Members and Friends, After a long session with many late nights, wild testimonies, negotiations and nail-biting waits outside of closed door meetings… We are so excited to share this win with you. Thank you for your membership, partnership and efforts. Congratulations to us all! "S.B. 49 amends the state film incentive program to add additional tax credits available for productions that shoot at least 75% of their production days in a rural county. Rural counties are defined as counties outside those designated as 1st and 2nd class: Utah, Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, Washington. The rural component of the MPIP will allocate an additional $12 million in tax credits each year for the next two years. The additional funding provided in the amended Utah Motion Picture Incentive Program will be available on July 1, 2022 Contact the Utah Film Commission at [email protected] for more information." - Utah Film Commission We would like to thank the following for their extra support in this watershed year:
Let’s take a breath and recognize the considerable accomplishment in our $24m. That is huge! We made big gains in passing this bill, but now it’s time to get back to work and remove the sunset clause. This is going to take even MORE lobbying efforts. Please be on the lookout for impactful stories of how this bill helps rural Utah, and supports you personally to continue building a career and life here. Additionally, we need to remember to thank our legislators throughout the year for their support, and back their re-election efforts. Going forward we will be identifying key races that we can support in the form of financial contributions as well as volunteering to help with re-election campaigns. This all takes time and money! This year was a fruitful one and we will continue to plant seeds and nurture these relationships that will continue to grow Utah’s film industry for many years to come. Please join us in July for an MPAU membership event to get together, celebrate our win, and make plans for the future. More info to come! Again, congratulations to everyone and as always feel free to reach out to the board with any questions or ideas. Best, Motion Picture Association of Utah Board Jeff Johnson - President Brooke Redmon - Vice President Kipling Hicks - Treasurer Mariah Mellus - Secretary Matias Alvarez Andrew Nelson Brad Wilson |